Thursday, July 8, 2010


Observing a class during the summer comes with different variables. The students in the class I was assigned to only had ten students. Out of the ten students there was only one girl. The class was composed of mainly lecture and discussion; therefore a lot of the students paying attention where those who would join the discussions. Many of these students had problems with staying on task. The teacher had to constantly remind them to do their work. All the students in Mrs. Elizondo’s classroom were very interested in the assignments. They all had something different to offer to the classroom and many of them had different discipline problems. A Juan in particular would normally want to stretch his legs and place them on the desk in front of him. Mrs.Garza constantly had to remind him to take them off because if he continued he wouldn't focus on the class work. Another student Ismael was constantly arguing with the teacher he was the most memorable student to me because the first day of the observation he came late because he wanted to be in the open gym practicing basketball instead of the classroom. He was a bright student had improvement from when my observation began to the last day I was there. He was the funniest student in the classroom as well. He connected the book they were reading to the real world. He would make analogies that made the other students laugh but also allowed students to see what they author in the book was talking about in locally way for them. The teacher’s most challenging moment had to be tied in with a Marcos who had a lot of sarcasm and would turn everything the teacher would say around. He did his work but he would distract others around him and would want to start conversations. The teacher did a well job in noticing her students personalities and this helped her know how her students where normally. One of the days Erik kept falling asleep in class Mrs. Garza knew this was an uncommon behavior for him and immediately send him to the counselors office to see if he need to talk to anyone. Even though, there were four students who had a lot of class disturbance the over class had good behavior and most students stayed on task.

On the last day I was there I think I had the most rewarding moment and most memorable moment. The students worked hard and it paid of when they took their reading passage examination. They all did well and the students all wanted to help each other when they went over the correct answers in their exams. I also noticed that the students were highly motivated by extrinsic rewards which made them want to do good on their exams. Mrs. Garza normally if a student got a perfect score she would reward him or her by given them a candy bar.

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